Game of Thrones in Dubrovnik: Self Guided Filming Location Tour!

Game of Thrones in Dubrovnik: Self Guided Filming Location Tour!

Game of Thrones in Dubrovnik: Self Guided Filming Location Tour! Who else got super into Game of Thrones? 🙋‍♀️ It’s widely considered the best tv show of all time and if you’ve seen it I'd imagine you know why! *If you haven’t seen it, I’d say it’s because the story...

Top 10 Most Magical Places in the World (For Their Beauty)

Top 10 Most Magical Places in the World (For Their Beauty)

Top 10 Most Magical Places in the World (For Their Beauty) As small as the world can be it’s also pretty dang huge, you know? I obviously haven’t been everywhere (though it’s on my list 😉) but of the places I have been, there’s a few that stand out in my mind as some...