Walking The Stations of The Cross in Jerusalem (The Via Dolorosa)
Jerusalem is quite possibly the most fascinating city in the world to visit. Between it’s vast history, rich culture, and religious relevence to not one but THREE monotheistic religions, it truly has something for everyone! As you can imagine, something many people come to do in Jerusalem (and in all of Israel for that matter) is to visit places that are written about in the Bible. And I’d say one of the most popular biblical sites (experiences?) to take in while you’re there is walking the stations of the cross in Jerusalem.
My mom and I did this when we visited Jerusalem and we found numerous groups and religious pilgrims doing the same. I (of course) took aaalllllllll the pictures on this walk and I’m going to share them with you… But something to know about the Stations of the Cross, and numerous other Christian sites in all of Israel for that matter, is that many of them no longer look *exactly* the way they did at the time of Jesus. In most cases I found that in the exact location where a biblically related event took place now stands a church or altar. I didn’t feel like it took away from the experience, it’s just something to keep in mind when you visit. š
So with the knowledge that they may look a little different than they did at the time of Jesus, here’s my photos of the Stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorosa.

I.Ā Pontius Pilate Condems Jesus.
(Located inside this current Islamic school.)

II.Ā Jesus Receives the Cross and is Flogged.

III.Ā Jesus Falls for the First Time.Ā
(This station is actually inside the church, but I believe it was closed at the time we were there.)

IV.Ā Jesus Sees His Mother in the Crowd.

V.Ā Simon of Cyrene is Ordered by the Romans to Help Jesus Carry the Cross.

VI.Ā Veronia Wipes Jesus’s Face.

VII.Ā Jesus Falls for the Second Time.

VIII.Ā Jesus Tells Weeping Women Not to Cry for Him.

IX.Ā Jesus Falls for the Third Time.

**Stations X-XIV are all located within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.**
X.Ā Jesus is Stripped of His Clothing.
XI.Ā Jesus is Nailed to the Cross.
XII.Ā Jesus Dies on the Cross.
XIII.Ā Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross.
XIV.Ā Jesus is Laid in the Tomb.

Within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre you can find Golgothom which is believed to be where the cross was located. You can also find the Stone of Unction which is believed to be where Jesus’s body was laid to be prepared for burial. (You’ll find religious pilrgrims praying in both places.)

And that’s what you’ll see when walking the Stations of the Cross in Jerusalem. Whether you are Christian, religious, or otherwise I’d recommend walking this route and visiting these sites in Jerusalem. The crucifiction of Jesus Christ is such a huge part of Christianity and Christianity has/has had such a huge influence on the history of the world. And that’s definitely a reason to not miss out on seeing these religiously significant places in person. š
Safe travels friends.